Monday, March 11, 2013


We interrupt our regularly scheduled programming to update you on a few things.  Honestly, I just haven't been very good about sitting down and writing to share lately... there are still so many things about our trip down south (which was actually about 6 weeks ago now), and the trips we took with my sister in town that I need to document... good stories folks, I'm telling you; however, I feel the need to document this past week immediately so I don't forget anything.... along with a few random observations as well.

Here is what you've missed:

1.  We moved into our own apartment in the more hiphappenin area of Santiago.  Read: right next to the metro line and uber convenient.  There is an ice cream place around the corner called Bravissimo... trouble, and just about everything you could ask for within walking distance.  We are now going to truly experience "big city livin" y'all, view included.   Also, the apartment is furnished to make our lives easier.  We did buy ice cube trays that make ice in the shape of small fish however... week... made.

2.  I started my job.  It just so happened that we found our apartment the week that I began.  I only had to do the commute from Michael's grandparents house twice.  Now I skip down to the metro and there ya go.

3.  My job is chalked full of "news".  I don't mean news as in noticias, but news as in the plural of new things.  My first couple of days were extreme Spanish overload.  Turns out inservice type things are about the same no matter what the language, although I can say I have never attended mass as part of teacher training.  Funny story:  I asked during the mass if I needed to cross my arms when I approached the priest for communion, at which point it became quite obvious to me that many of these people might not know a person who isn't Catholic.  One lady said, "No, I grant you permission", to which I thought to myself... yeah, not sure if that is how it works... but anyway.
I had to introduce myself multiple times to large rooms of people... which here doesn't mean "Hi I'm Meghann, and I teach English"... it includes your entire life story.  In one room, I finished and they erupted into applause for me.  I am thoroughly established as the gringa.
Coworkers hug and kiss.  All of them.  I have to admit, I think more people spoke to me in my first day at this school than in my entire five years at Alamo.  Also, during the first big meeting, they "played a game" where each person turned to the next person and said "Te regalo... algo"... I gift you... patience... happiness... etc. etc.  I had to suppress the American in me that was trying REALLY hard to roll her eyes and not gag from the corniness of it all... but what is wrong with teachers wishing each other well, knowing each other's names and hugging... Nothing... that's what.
I get to wear a lab coat looking thing all day every day... maybe I'll take a picture someday.
The children wear adorable uniforms with ties, jumpers and smocks of their own.
I had my first "duty" turn during little boys recess.... I have never seen anything so nutso... EVER.  They ran in a full sprint for 30 minutes straight... some of them with rulers (not the best idea).
The school feeds me lunch every day, and when I told a teacher that I used to only have about 20 minutes to scarf down food for lunch, you would've thought I'd told her that they made me eat nails.
Classroom discipline is..err... different.  More on that later.
I work in a department with 18 women... nice women, but definitely a big change from the old "band of brothers".  These women ask me often if I understand what is being said.  I kindly reply that yes, when only one of them speaks at a time it is really easy to understand, and then we laugh.  But I'm dead serious.
So far, I haven't had too much to do.  I am having to really get used to a slower pace.  I finished everything that the department head asked me to work on in about 3 hours, and then I made myself a schedule to help co teach classes until my room is ready.  She told me to put two a day so I had plenty of time to rest... I tried one day with only two and quickly made it four.  Suffice it to say I don't know how to chill... yeah...

4.  There is a clinic outside our apartment that has a parking garage that rings like a school bell every time a car exits.  At about 6pm, it is like a bell choir of one.  We are almost used to it :).

There it is... a quick, rambling update about what is going on.  We are looking forward to settling into a routine and enjoying our new neighborhood.  Keep your eyes out for the continuing story of our trip to the tip of the world... coming soon... maybe :).

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