Friday, September 6, 2013

Dia de la Chilenidad

It is September in Chile, which means the celebrations of patriotism and a slow,yet noticeable, feeling of "play instead of work" is taking over the country. Fiestas Patrias are still more than a week away, but flags are beginning to fly and Cueca is being danced at every turn. (At free-Zumba in the park last week, the last two songs were Cueca because, and I quote, estamos en Septiembre.  Everyone apparently carries a handkerchief with them at all times just in case, and the other Gringa girls with me and I did our best to fake it.  Seriously... No idea).  This week, my school celebrated the day of the Chilean, where basically, they all thanked god for being Chilean and for Chile, danced, and ate empanadas.  September in Chile also means... Surrender to the fact that you will get fatter.

The parents brought pebre, bread, sopaipillas, and more.

Then the children killed with cuteness in their traditional dress, doing traditional dances from the different regions of Chile.

Easter Island:

The North:

A few teachers kicked it off with legit Cueca:

Then the 6th graders showed them what's up.

And the littlest ones just hopped around looking too adorable.

Afterwards, they had traditional Chilean games for the kids which included climbing poles, sack races, hopscotch and tug of war on concrete (obviously).  

September is a rad month to be here.  The amount of pride for country is contagious and heart-warming.

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