New Year's, for some reason, is one of my favorite celebrations. Something about the sense of ending and beginning, fresh starts, nostalgia, glitter, glasses shaped like numbers, and champagne (which I normally dislike). Strangers and friends all have the idea in common that the past year should not only end with a bang, but the coming year should start that way. 2012 was such a crazy and far from boring year for us. We rang in 2012 with friends in Midland for the first time in years, as the both of us normally made a point to travel for the New Year even before we were "we". That was a perfect start to our non-normal year.
Highlights of 2012: (A year in mostly cellphone pictures, and things we forgot to document)

A Color Run with way more mud than color. It was also more of a trudge than a run per-say.

A family wedding within hours of said "Color mud run trudge"

We got "god children" in the form of two beyond precious Garza twins.
The kids got a Sweepstakes!!

Michael went on his first band trip... also I made a t-shirt for the kids that said "#bandswag".
I quit my job of 5 years because we decided to move to Chile. I said goodbye to my co-workers. Michael quit his job a couple months later.

We watched a lot of baseball...

We celebrated 2 years of marriage with Daffy and Knights.
Michael wore this shirt for the 4th of July... because it was decreed that this shirt has no business existing any other day of the year.
We moved out of our house and put everything we own in a storage unit.
We spent the summer hanging out with these guys and their parents. I willed them to crawl before we left, but obviously they hit that developmental stride about two days after we left.
There were many other events in the first half of 2012, most of which involved working too much and then watching the Olympics in August when we were no longer working. Mainly 2012 was the year where we made the decision to go a new direction for awhile. We left our first home, and then they rented it for literally 3 times the amount we were paying monthly. You can pick up on the other highlights of 2012 by flipping backwards in the blog. Also, there is this picture of my sister:
You're welcome.
Ringing in 2013 with the family in the "party area" between the houses was perfect. The weather was warm, the wine flowing, and the cumbias blaring. We ended our "non-normal" year in fantastic fashion, with great people... and there were masks and weird glasses that we bought from the girl selling them in front of her house down the street (talk about service).
There was dancing....
There was hugging...
There were masks, wigs, and party favors....
There was Isabella falling out of a chair...
And there was family...complete with the crazy cat in this picture.
Last year we sent "New Year's Cards" wishing everyone a Leapy Leap year... mainly because I doubt I'll ever get it together enough to send Christmas cards out on time. Consider this our New Year's Card wishing you a Lucky 2013!
Love, Meghann and Michael
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