Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Learning a New Language: Part Two

I never realized just how extensive my vocabulary is in English until I started  trying to express myself  in Spanish.  It can be so frustrating knowing that every Spanish-speaker that you meet doesn't really get a true impression of you.  Honestly, I speak Spanish like a child, and not a smart one.  When I write in Spanish, I cringe at the sentence structure and idea development  that frankly reminds me of that journal from 1st grade I found while cleaning out closets at my parents' house.  There is a quote about the journey and the destination that I'm sure applies here... as in it takes time.. yeah whatever.

New points:

When in doubt.. Spanish up that English word.
It actually works more often than not.  You don't always guess correctly, but you guess close enough that you can communicate and be corrected.  Want an adverb?  Take off that -ly and add -amente.  Add an o to the end, or -acion in a pinch.  Sometimes you can just pronounce English words with Spanish vowel sounds. (those are my faves).  It is amazing the correct words you can learn by not being afraid to say the wrong ones.  For someone that hates to be wrong, this can be incredibly humbling.  I am definitely having to learn to accept the fact that I don't have all of the answers.

Learning a language is like riding a roller coaster, as in today I might be speaking like a 3rd grader and tomorrow I'll be back to speaking less than little Antonia (who is 3).  Luckily, I have classmates that can relate and it is apparently normal.  I am looking forward to the moment when my lows aren't quite so frustrating.

Trying to think in a language is as important as trying to speak it.
I have officially started dreaming in a weird Spanish/English mix.  I actually think I may remember things in my dreams that I don't remember when I'm awake.
Trying to translate in your head is impossible and ridiculous.  My ears are getting used to the sound of Spanish and my brain is getting used to responding without the trip from Spanish to English then English to Spanish. Progress folks!

Anyway-- Since my brain is so full of gramatica, I sometimes choose the wrong form out of the pack, but it is getting better and today I even fooled a couple strangers into thinking that I speak the language... Sure... I just asked for a bottle of water and paid for my groceries.. but baby steps.  :)

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