'Tis election season y'all. Yesterday was election day here in Chile and it marked the end of the campaign signs, chants, costumes, flags, etc. that we have become accustomed to seeing for the last month or so. This is not a presidential election year, but the comunas were electing new "Alcaldes" (essentially mayors) and "Consejales" (basically city council members) and these people have been ever present every where you go. There wasn't a median or street light that wasn't completely full of giant portable billboards sporting pictures of the candidates alone or with others whom I assume to be well-known public figures. The poses were hilarious, the slogans ridiculous, and although I'll never understand the draw of destroying property for no reason, the vandalism was entertaining. Every day faces were cut out, devil horns drawn, teeth blacked out and "mentiroso" stamped across their foreheads. This election marked the first election in Chile that wasn't obligatory if you registered. In the past if you registered to vote and then didn't show up, they would sent you a ticket. Alcohol sales were prohibited beginning at 3am Sunday morning/Saturday evening, with the idea that everyone would have a good 8 hours to "sober up" before casting their ballot.. supongo.
Here are some of my favorite campaign moments that I managed to snap pictures of:
Obviously this guy is going to win my my support. Notice how my hands are on my heart to show how much I know in my heart that this guy will bring joy and cool glasses to Las Condes.
You may think that those are real people, but in fact they are slightly bigger than life-size cutouts of some of the candidates out side of the pueblo Los Dominicos. De La Maza is giving you a thumbs up (fives times in this photo alone) to let you know that he is a super cool dude. Also notice the guy who didn't get the memo about wearing black pants.
My personal favorite. This guy won.. which makes it even better. Notice the mullet and rocker boots. They really say.. "Let me represent you... Party On!!" Also notice the sign for Sabat and Morris (Chilean names huh?) where the woman is staring adoringly at the man with the crooked smile.
This sign is seriously the size of a car. I assume it is his family, but I love that the little girl on the left is in fact eating a doughnut which was probably given to her to make sure stop crying. The little boy at the back has some kind of pastry as well and is magically standing above everyone. Professional photography at it's best.
This is admittedly a terrible picture, but I'll paint it for you in words. I came out of the metro station, heard drums, looked to my right and BOOM!! 1. A person dressed as a cow in a pink dress. 2. A person dressed as a dog basically "krumping" 3. A guy dressed as a sad clown and 4. a handful of people waving flags for Cata Real. Obviously folks... Obviously.
Regina is flawless. I hear her hair is insured for $10,000. She also (like Mikayla Maroney) is simply unimpressed, and so am I. I know... right?
Every street corner made me flashback to High School Marching band where you were always in danger of getting hit by a flag girl.

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