A few weeks ago I had the most horrendous mutant Chilean stomach-bug that hit me just in time to derail all of the plans we had for the long weekend (including but not limited to a trip to the beach, a run in the country with the SHHH, and fun times with the family). I ended up being sick for a record 4 full days, enough time to watch every single Harry Potter movie while fueling up on only Gatorade. Needless to say, when I recovered, I was certainly ready to get back to having some fun.
Last weekend we spent Friday evening first at an event for Notre Dame alum and then in the comuna of Nunoa with a girl from my Spanish class and her husband. The Notre Dame event was really great to make some connections for possible "real" jobs, and exploring Nunoa was a great time. On Saturday, we went to the Festival de Idiomas taking place in one of the many parks. The Goethe Institute (where I am taking classes) was selling beer (silly Germans) while England was giving out tea and Japan was demonstrating some kind of martial arts. Michael was around for awhile before he went to a studio downtown to play some music with his cousin German and company. I stuck around for a few more hours on my own.
The highlight of the festival for me was the performance from the Chilean Beatles cover band called Beetles con dos "E's". They dressed the part and sang Beatles songs with a slight Spanish accent. It was fantastic. They had the crowd singing along (Obviously EVERYONE loves the Beatles) and the call and response of "She loves you... Jeah Jeah Jeah" was so great! They even referred to each other as John, Paul, George and Ringo. I twisted and shouted and agreed enthusiastically when random people asked me "Esta muy bien, no?"
I met back up with Michael at a Jazz club in Barrio Bellavista call Thelonius for live Jazz music courtesy of the EU Jazz festival. We heard two groups, one Chilean and one Swiss, both excellent.
Sunday it rained all day and night, clearing away the smog and leaving the mountains with quite a bit of snow. It was honestly like viewing the Andes in HD, so while waiting for the bus, I snapped a few pictures.
Not that you can tell by those pictures, but the weather has finally started getting warmer. The stores are preparing for Summer and Christmas simultaneously which is just plain weird.
This past Friday we made a Mexican fiesta for the entire family, complete with fajitas, salsa, beans, queso, gucamole and Corona. I have no pictures (because they were on someone else's camera), but I assure you they LOVED it. The jalapenos were a little hot for some, but they kept coming back for more.
Saturday we got to return to SHHH for the Halloween run around Las Condes. This picture is pretty terrible quality, but basically gringos in sort-of costumes running through the streets of Chile. .JPG)
This week is yet another public holiday/ long weekend. Looking forward to celebrating the arrival of November in style.
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